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Diego Pasqualini

“Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success” (Henry Ford).

I base my roots in Project Management, first in the organizational field and then in the commercial field. Organization and Sales. A combination that I never forgot to intertwine in the projects that I developed over the years.
My experience is cultivated across multicultural working groups and in different scenarios: tourism, technology services and the manufacturing industry. I have spent about 12 years abroad.

Sales activities have also contributed to the deepening of related soft skills such as PNL and business coaching. I am a certified Wave-Six Seconds® coach and a member of the International Coach Federation®.

I believe in the absolute value of teamwork and in the steady growth of skills and performance both in professional and personal areas.
I am a certified Project Manager Professional – PMP® with a specialization in Risk Management and Business Analysis.
I am a Nasbite International member for the development of global business and professional assistance in the field of export and internationalization.

In the sports field I am a Certified Ironman® coach.

Constant commitment, discipline and a clear vision of goals are common to my approach to life, both personally and professionally.

View my CV on Linkedin

Elisa Chiarioni

“There are no problems, only opportunities”

Each one of us is the product of the places we belong to, but also of the paths we go through.

Born in Italy, where I studied and graduated from a Business Economics degree in 1998, I was lucky enough to have international work experience working in several areas, through which I developed, professionally and personally, and also gained a 360 degree approach in identifying the solutions applicable to each situation and event.
I spent some years in the US working for American companies and cultivating my awareness of the importance of knowing how to relate to different cultures and knowing how to integrate my own way of thinking with others in order to be able to carry out successful projects.
A strong supporter of teamwork and of the strategic importance of knowing how to leverage every resource and their working style within working groups, I have studied the development of soft skills related to human resource growth and the success of working teams. In this regard, I am a certified Wave-Six Seconds® business coach and a member of the International Coach Federation®.

In the sports field I have become a certified Ironman® coach.

View my profile on Linkedin

Licia Montebugnoli

“There is no finish line”

Numbers have accompanied my life, from a student to a professional. Together with the conviction that teamwork allows us to achieve a better result, which goes beyond the sum of the individual elements.

My role, as a partner and board advisor, has always been in Administration and Finance, contributing to the transformation from a small local company to a listed company. I have worked in associations, manufacturing and service companies, in micro and small-medium businesses.

Today I am convinced of the importance of non-technical skills, soft skills, within corporate organizations. I have added a new training in PNL and business coaching to my education. Today I am a certified Wave-Six Seconds® coach and member of the International Coach Federation®.

Every new business arouses my curiosity.
The goal is to bring my values into the workplace and support the working groups towards achieving their goals, with discipline, coherence, commitment, and the simplification of processes. With the conviction that we can learn something new every day. There is no finish line.

I am a member of ANDAF and of the Management Committee of the Emilia Romagna Region. In sports, I’m a Hatha Yoga practitioner.

View my CV on Linkedin

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