Start Ups

Start-Ups are a deeply human enterprise. Bearers of innovation and change in an unknown and highly unstable environment.

Much like the situation of young companies, the preparation of a sales organization that is simple and efficient must be the absolute starting point. It is vital to propel a market demand and create sources of value for the individuals who become their customers, but also to provide a sure path towards the reinforcement of the business.

Many of the standard approaches to management and marketing do not adapt to the area on which they operate the Start-Ups. The raising and efficient use of financial resources in the initial phase is crucial to the success and development of the business idea.

Our mission is to work together with neo-entrepreneurs in the raising of financial resources and building an effective system for planning and controlling cash flows that are simple and allow the making of quick business decisions, moving flexibly through the market and learning to constantly acquire information.

This is how PMC can help:

  • Preparation of a cash flow system for managing cash flows
  • Monitoring of the flow and creating a financial budget in support of business development
  • A Business Development Kit: Business case, analysis documents, trade offers, project management documents and reports
  • Preparing documentation to access calls for tender and support in application process
  • Direct interexchange and sharing (or coaching) of internal resources
  • International branding and partnership
  • Finding financial resources and managing the relationships with financial institutions. Start-Ups grow only if they adopt, learn and apply changes constantly.

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