Why compete abroad?

I am not structured! It is a struggle for me to introduce my company appropriately enough to get funding for exportation! I do not know the right markets for placing my product!

These and other doubts often impede companies from seriously looking at internationalization and export projects. The concept that companies should temporarily export to compensate the decrease in their domestic market no longer applies. It is crucial to understand that the economy is globalized and the market is the whole world.

The internationalization must be a strategic solution, structured and stable in the medium-to-long term and therefore we need to gear up. Planning, Improving and Consolidating. We give you methods and tools to bring your company to the international market. And not alone. Together. To Share in a Better Way.

This is how PMC can help:

  • Analysis and definition of the basic strategic approach;
  • Development of tools for export;
  • Study of potential end-markets;
  • Economic intelligence and analysis of the competition: methods and applications to learn about and maintain markets, and evaluation of the competitors financial statements, ratings, marketing and sales structures;
  • Organization of fairs abroad and trade missions;
  • Qualified partner search
  • Temporary Export Management and identification of an International Sales Manager as a company position.
  • Support in raising funds for internationalization;
  • Networking and aggregation actions. Medium-sized and Consolidated Businesses can open up new markets by taking advantage of already existing know-how!

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