Foreign companies investing in Italy

Why Italy?

Because it is a hub for the entry into Europe. Because it is the twelfth most preferred destination in the world for investments. Because it represents world-class excellence in so many industries. Because developing a business and know-how in Italy and dealing with the European market should not be something to be afraid of. Because it can be done through a simple and seamless structure that allows movement on the market, and acquiring information for constant learning.

PMC works for you with the dual purpose of increasing the knowledge of the company regarding how businesses are run in Italy and Europe.

How PMC can help:

  • Secondary analyses on the macroeconomic system and valuations of enterprise risk;
  • Specific primary analyses on the type of business;
  • Selection of business partners: singling out and contacting potential counterparts;
  • Organization of meetings: selection of counterparts having the greatest potential and then planning a calendar  of meetings;
  • Follow-up of the meetings: evaluation and sharing of the experiences matured during the mission; pairings or groupings for the subsequent B2B meetings;
  • Assistance in the start-up of new companies:
  • Access to financing systems and incentives for start-ups;
  • Access to the banking system;
  • Networking with companies and professionals of the reference industry.

Contact us

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